A family that has been involved in winemaking since the early 1900s, whose siblings Rosolino, Antonino and Natale, flanked by their children Anna, Benedetto and Benedetto, are the architects of a productive revolution centred on the vineyard and good winemaking practices, which has resulted in wines of great impact and structure, smooth, elegant and well-balanced.
Alessandro di Camporeale is a company where the new generations rediscover the pride of their own identity, sharing a production project that has solid roots in the history of this family. They are the three Alessandro cousins, the future of this winery which, with them, renews itself and looks to the third millennium with new passion and hope. From Anna, responsible for wine tourism and communication, to Benedetto, the oenologist who follows the entire production process, in the vineyard as well as in the cellar, to the other cousin, also Benedetto, responsible for marketing the family business. New human resources and new specialisations to continue, with confidence, a company history that has become the emblem of a wine-growing area of great value.